vintagetreasures's profile picture


  • joined 11/23/08
  • active 03/02/25

About Me

Hi and thanks for stopping in! I love the quality of vintage collectibles and i strive for quality MADE IN THE USA treasures. Combined shipping is always welcome. Happy treasure hunting! Enjoy your day~ smiles ☺

My Endorsements (7)

Rossi says: August 24, 2012

Thanks heaps for the shoes iam wrapped you send them to me to germany:)

Rossi says: August 24, 2012

Thanks heaps for the shoes iam wrapped you send them to me to germany:)

Samantha2014681 says: March 06, 2012

Worked through a misunderstanding! Was a good seller. Thank you!

kazander says: June 19, 2010

an absolute pleasure to do business with, I couldn’t have hoped for a better 1st experience on Bonanzle. Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!

MONTROSE says: June 12, 2009

FYi uPDATE: Anyone that I do business with dropping POSiTiVE energY = definitely deserves my individual PERS0NAL reeND0RSEMENT ~ Please take a moment to visit sellers’ (vintagetreasures) b00tH next…MONTR0Se approves this message!

MONTROSE says: May 01, 2009

A super seller ships FAST…It was a pleasure doing business with you….+hanK yoU