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Rendered at 13:22:52 12/18/24
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Primary image for Singer 120598 Low Shank Ruffler Pleater Gather Foot Sewing Machine Attachment

Singer 120598 Low Shank Ruffler Pleater Gather Foot Sewing Machine Attachment

Ships from Canada Ca

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There is only 1 left in stock.

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Seller handling time is 3 business days Details
$7.10 via Unspecified shipping type to United States
Ships from Canada Ca

Return policy

Full refund available within 30 days

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Shipping options

Seller handling time is 3 business days Details
$7.10 via Unspecified shipping type to United States
Ships from Canada Ca

Return policy

Full refund available within 30 days

Purchase protection

Payment options

PayPal accepted
PayPal Credit accepted
Venmo accepted
PayPal, MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express accepted
Maestro accepted
Amazon Pay accepted

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Only one in stock, order soon





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Product reviews for "Singer Low Shank Fabric"

Singer 306K Presser Foot w/Screw & Thread Cutter Low Shank Singers - $11.00

Singer 306K Presser Foot w/Screw & Thread Cutter Low Shank Singers

Average review 5 stars
Just What I Needed!

I was very pleased to find the part for my mother’s 55 year old sewing machine. The item was well packaged, arrived very quickly and the sale was effortless. I am very pleased.

Purchased Singer Low Shank Fabric on Bonanza