Suntime Watch
Customer Reviews Synopsis
5 reviews total •
5 reviews with comments

Purchased Suntime Watch on Bonanza

Purchased for my boyfriend for our 1 year anniversary after another item from another site came in completely destroyed. It must have been fate because this was definitely a better option and item than the other! He LOVES it, and wears it every chance he gets. Seems to be sturdy, easy to set time, clasp works great, we are just so happy with the purchase!
Purchased Suntime Watch on Bonanza

This item was ordered as a gift so I cannot yet speak to its reliability. It looks great, though. I purchased it for my soon-to-be 7 year old great nephew. I am confident that he will like it.
Purchased Suntime Watch on Bonanza

Best price when comparison shopping!
Purchased Suntime Watch on Bonanza

Beautiful watch, high quality
Purchased Suntime Watch on Bonanza

Although I had no reason to suspect that the quality of this watch would be mediocre, sports related items sometimes are...This watch looks and feels great. Hope it lasts all four years of college!!