Samsung Main Board
Customer Reviews Synopsis

It's a board, what can I say?? It works and does what it is supposed to do

Great price and a quality product that fixed my problem; I am very satisfied with this transaction.

I can enjoy my tv again.

Item just as described, installation very easy. I was concerned that some special procedure would be necessary to make my remote work with the new board but it worked right away. Let's hope the cat leaves the TV alone now!

The board was simple to install and works need for a new TV!

worked great

plugged it right in and powered right up. works perfectly.

Exactly as described

The board was defective and of course I could not fix it.

Work perfectly

excellent product !!!

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Our history for this product shows that its average price is $39.59. Click below to be notified when new items are posted at lower prices:

The price was right and I'm happy to say I will be using this site again and again in the future.