Seagate Hard Drive


Customer Reviews Synopsis

4 reviews total • 3 reviews with comments
Average review 2 stars

Bought this to offload files from my Macbook, and after several hours of effort and trouble-shooting, it is still good for nothing. Too skinny to even make a decent doorstop. Maybe others have better luck, but I would not recommend this for Mac owners.

Purchased Seagate Hard Drive on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars

Works fine

Purchased Seagate Hard Drive on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
For the price I had it settled on, it is a decent and reasonable price for a hard drive like this one!

I don't keep track of what causes a laptop or desktop Hard Drive of this exact configuration, speed and storage capacity, but I've had one before at the price of $80-something dollars, but since I'm desperate for a 2.5" 2TB 7200rpm SATA-3(SATA-6 technically) Hard Drive, I had to negotiate both ways to get it to a decent and reasonable price of $105.90 USD!

Purchased Seagate Hard Drive on Bonanza
Average review 5 stars
For the price I had it settled on, it is a decent and reasonable price for a hard drive like this one!
I don't keep track of what causes a laptop or desktop Hard Drive of this exact configuration, speed and storage capacity, but I've had one ... Read more »

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