Collectible Metal Coke Tray, 1924 Touring Car Ad Created 1987 by Ohio Art Co. This vintage metal tray depicts the same scene as an advertising poster created for Coca Cola in 1924. The picture was lithographed onto the tray by the Ohio Art Co. for Cocal-Cola in 1987. The tray is in excellent condition except for a small bump in the upper left portion, probably created when the wire picture hanger was attached to the back. The colors are bright and vivid with no fading and minimal chipping. Measurements: 17.5" wide by 12.5" tall. Weight: 15 oz. Buy this collectible slice of Americana for your collection or or gift it to a friend, but buy it soon while it lasts. The House of Alexie ( has a 100% approval rating and is a trusted vendor. Come see our other items, both new and old. |