Combur 9 Test Strips (50)
Roche Combur-Test® strips are reliable and convenient for urinalysis screening and monitoring, and can be read visually or instrumentally. The strips have good resistance to Vitamin C and Ascorbic Acid; hence the Combur-Test® is used as a central diagnostic aid, in medical practices and clinics, for early and reliable detection of: kidney diseases, diabetes and urinary tract infections.
- Reliable diagnosis - Even minute pathological changes in the urine cause distinct color changes in the test fields. This makes urine testing with Combur-Test strips the first step on the way to a reliable diagnosis in both clinics and practices.
- High sensitivity - Thanks to the low detection limit of Combur-Test strips even slight pathological changes in the urine are made visible.
- Resistance to ascorbic acid - Combur-Test strips are protected by iodate against ascorbic acid interference with both glucose and hemoglobin determinations eliminating virtually false-negative results and the need to recollect and retest specimens.
- Economic efficiency - Combur-Test strips can be stored at room temperature up to 2 years. The integrated desiccant in the stopper cap minimizes costly reagent waste.
- Maximum reading convenience - Combur-Test strips allow to simultaneously read all reagent pads between 1 and 2 minutes while the long strip handle keeps fingers clear of the specimen.
Tests for:
- Leukocytes
- Nitrite
- pH
- Protein
- Glucose
- Ketones
- Urobilinogen
- Bilirubin
- Blood (Erythrocytes & Haemoglobin)