CULTURE SHOCK! Philippines is a lively and enjoyable guide to Filipino folkways, with indispensable checklists summarising the do's & dont's of every conceivable area of interaction, from dating to language, Filipino values, Kinship, Life Cycle and dealing with officaldom.
This book prepares you for unpleasant surprises.
One of the paradoxes of this century is that a man can be uprooted from a familiar environment, flown halfway around the world, dropped in another climate and culture, and be expected to function as usual.
Authors: Alfredo & Grace Roces
Publisher: Times Book Intl. Singapore
Copywright 1985
Revised Edition 1986
ISBN 9971 65 3427
Book has 246 pages, measuring roughly 7-3/8"H x 5"W x 1/2"Thick.
Used, has small chip on lower left hand corner of book, very minimal. Otherwise, in very good condition.
Shipping is $4.95 via Media Mail. International shipping rates apply.
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