This collection of the Russian sacred music creations set and adopted for a reduced mixed or female and children choruses, is intended for enriching repertoire of the study choruses from music schools, colleges, art colleges, as well as music colleges and amateur choruses. This collection summarizes the experiences of teachers of chorus conduction department of the regional art and culture college of the past seven years. Material takes into account the increased specialities, singing abilities of different kinds of choruses. The major share of sheet music of Russian composers' sacred creations was composed for a polyphonic mixed chorus, and the task was making it technically available for use by study or amateur chorus, keeping at the same time emotional disposition and image. Creator ofthese settings and adaptations is a combined college chorus and "Alma-Mater" students and graduates chorus, who performed the most settings presented in this collection, prepared by Yu. Nevyadovskiy, G. Kolbasnikov, A. Murin, E. Yevstratova. This collection includes the original creation of the college teacher, L. Petrov. Author and compilator, condiction and chorus commission of the college of art representative, "Alma-Mater" chorus director, an honoursed worker of culture of the RF G. Kolbasnikov CONTENTSD. Bortnjanskij. DA ISPRAVITSJa MOLITVA MOJa D. Bortnjanskij. DOSTOJNO EST A. Lvov. PRECHISTOMU TVOEMU OBRAZU MNOGAJa LETA (Moskovskogo raspeva) A. Arkhangelskij. POMILUJ NAS, GOSPODI. (Fragment)M. Ippolitov-Ivanov. BLAGOSLOVI DUSHE MOJa P. Chesnokov. PRIIDITE, UBLAZHIM GOSPODA P. Chesnokov. TRISVJATOE M. Strokin. RADUJUTSJa VSI ANGELI G. Suslennikov. POD TVOJu MILOST A. Ljalichev. SVETE TIKHIJ A. Kastalskij, TEBE POEM S. Rachmaninov. TEBE POEM (Liturgija Sv. Ioanna Zlatousta) L. Petrov. OTCHE NASh