we always try to get the most up to date software with the best features!

Includes both 64 and 32 bit versions (Windows) and 32 bit version (Mac) Also Linux App Image

Krita is a raster graphics editor designed primarily for digital painting and animation purposes, and used by concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture artists, and the VFX industry. It features a low-distract UI, high-quality OpenGL accelerated canvas, color management support, advanced brush engine, non-destructive layers and masks, group-based layer management, vector artwork support and switchable customization profiles. Krita supports tablets including Wacom, Huion,


Will Not Expire!
Unlimited Installs And Usage!
Save Cost On Other Professional Software.
Use It For Your Business, For Personal Use Or For An Orginization.


Tablet Support: Wacom, Huion, Yiynova, Surface Pro
Intuitive user interface
Brush Stabilizers
Pop-up Palette
Brush Engines
Wrap-around mode
Resource Manager
Drawing Assistants
Painting Tools
Animation Tools
Vector Tools
Mirroring Tools
Layer Management
Layer Masks
Full Color Management
OpenGL Enhanced
PSD Support
HDR Support
Transform Tools
Color Palette
Save to File Formats = Krita Document, OpenRaster document, PSD image, PPM, PGM, PBM, PNG, JPEG-2000, JPEG, BMP Windows, XBM, TIFF, EXR, PDF, WebP
Import File Formats = Krita Document, EXR, OpenRaster document, PSD image, Gimp image, PPM, PGM, PBM, PNG, JPEG-2000, PDF, ODG draw, BMP Windows, XPM, GIF, XBM, Krita Flipbook, Adobe DNG and Camera RAW, WEBP

FOR ETSY(COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER) - In no way shape or form does this listing violate any copyright policies. The software is being sold under GPL (General Public Use License) The listing does not violate any etsyimproper category guidelines according to an etsy representative since there is a digital link and a physical item on the listing.

We Are authorized under the developer’s GPL (General Public License) agreement to provide a service to buyers by offering this software in USB / Digital Format as defined in this listing. The software is free / open source and readily available for download online. This is good news for companies or businesses that require the software to be permanent / portable on a fast usb that also do not have interest or are not able to connect to the internet to download the software.

By buying this item you understand that you are not paying for the software you are paying for the guide on how and where to download the software along with the files / programs you will need in order to install the software.

The guide is made by me and resale of the guide is not permitted.