Bulldog Drummond is a British fictional character, created by H. C. McNeile
and published under his pen name "Sapper". After an unsuccessful one-off
appearance as a policeman in The Strand Magazine, the character was reworked
by McNeile into a gentleman adventurer for his 1920 novel Bulldog Drummond.
McNeile went on to write ten Drummond novels, four short stories, four stage
plays and a screenplay before his death in 1937. The stories were continued
by his friend Gerard Fairlie between 1938 and 1954; further books were
published in the 1960s and one in 1983.
Drummond is a First World War veteran, brutalised by his experiences in the trenches and bored with his post-war lifestyle. He publishes an advertisement looking for adventure, and soon finds himself embroiled in a series of exploits, many of which involve Carl Peterson—who becomes his nemesis—and Peterson's mistress, the femme fatale Irma. After his first adventure Drummond marries his client, Phyllis Benton; in later episodes she becomes involved in Drummond's exploits, often as the victim of kidnapping by Drummond's enemies. In 1921 an adaptation of the first novel was staged in London, with Gerald du Maurier playing the role of Drummond; the play was further adapted and resulted in the 1922 silent film Bulldog Drummond, with Carlyle Blackwell in the lead role. Several other Drummond films have followed, either based on McNeile's stories or with unique storylines, and a number of well-known actors have played the Drummond role. These films were originally produced long before the advent of High Definition TV, therefore they are best viewed on a small screen. HD TVs tend to stretch and skew the picture. Set your HD TV on 4:3 aspect ratio. (That was the old TV format). Please do not expect DVD or Commercial level DVDs from these films. Films List: Bulldog Drummond (1929)
These films were originally produced
long before the advent of High Definition TV, therefore they are best viewed
on a small screen. HD TVs tend to stretch and skew the picture. Set your HD
TV on 4:3 aspect ratio. (That was the old TV format). Please do not expect
DVD or Commercial level DVDs from these films. Email us for any additional
info. eBay’s Public Domain policy:
These movies are in the public domain. |