Brand New Factory Sealed. Set in the small town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, GILMORE GIRLS is a charming television drama that tells the story of a thirty-something single mother, Lorelai Gilmore (Lauren Graham), and her precocious teenage daughter, Rory (Alexis Bledel), as they navigate their way through the shifting tides of day-to-day life. Lorelai and Rory's relationship is one built out of friendship as much as it is based on maternal love, which allows for more drama and depth than most family shows. This release is a perfect way for fans to remember why they fell in love with the show in the first place, and allows latecomers to discover Lorelai and Rory for the very first time. Contains all twenty-one episodes from the show's first season. |
Product Identifiers | |
UPC | 0085393226121 |
Product ID (ePID) | 6482058 |
Product Key Features | |
Format | DVD |
Genre | Drama |
Rating | NR |
Additional Product Features | |
Film Country | USA |
Release Date | 20040504 |
Display Format | 6-Disc Collector's Set |
Leading Role | Alexis Bledel, Lauren Graham |
Region Code | Region 1 |
Number of Discs | 6 |
Edition | 6-Disc Collector's Set |