This beautiful pendant was imbued with my famous Blue Heaven spell.
I call it this because that is exactly what it feels like to wear this magickal pendant.....Heaven on Earth!
In this day and age it seems that we are in such a hurry! We do not take time to slow down and notice the really important things in life. We are filled with stress, worry and anxiety over everything!
Wearing this spell cast pendant will calm your energies and awaken your senses so that you will see the beauty in the World around you. You will allow the little worries that pop up day to day, to simply roll off.
You will be slower to anger and quicker to smile.

Your natural intuition will increase, which will provide you with better solutions to your problems.
This pendant will provide peace and tranquility as you wear it. Your facial features will relax making you look years younger instantly.
The feelings of anxiety will be washed away with a serene calm and a sense that everything is fine.
When you feel positive, positive things happen!
Let 2013 be your best year ever!
To get this free pendant, just add it to your cart! One freebie per purchased item please.

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