Brand new factory sealed dvd is a rare collector's compilation, Out Of Print (OOP) and no longer being manufactured.

ALICE in WONDERLAND in PARIS is a charming 1966 featurette (52 min.) directed by Gene Deitch, an American who relocated to Prague and is composed of five shorts he produced:

"Anatole" is about a common mouse who works his way up to cheese taster for a major company; "Frowning Prince" is about a sullen royal child whose life is changed by the winning smile of a neighboring princess; "Many Moons" is about a King who wants to grant his ailing daughter's wish to be given the moon; and two Bemelmans stories, "Madeline and the Bad Hat" & "Madeline and the Gypsies".

While the animation itself is limited, it contains some uncharacteristically ambitious shots achieved with a modest multi-plane camera system. A pleasant work of some sophistication.

ALICE's ADVENTURES in WONDERLAND (1972) was a tabloid fuss for being an 'adult' version but is a remarkably innocent if complicated work. No animal heads were used for the actors but are rather dressed and act like Victorian worthies talking above the head of a bright child. Peter Cook delivers a brilliant Mad Hatter who can't stop dancing verbally or physically.

The locales are perfect, mostly forgotten, corners of Victoriana. The effects like Alice's size-changing are achieved using camera angles and oversized sets (aka forced perspective) which give them far more power than more elaborate film and TV productions. A technique that would be used later in 'Lord of the Rings'.

ALICE in WONDERLAND (1915) Over 100 years old! Is a silent and first version thought to be lost is shown here in it's entirety, all 52 minutes. Costumed actors and dialogue free, it has a surreal, dreamlike quality.

ALICE's ADVENTURES in CARTOONLAND (1925) Two shorts from an animated film series directed and produced by Walt Disney himself. Combining live action with traditional cel animation. Includes drawings some historians think may have influenced the evolution of Mickey and other iconic cartoon characters.