Title: Sucker Punched Series: The Boxer Series Mysteries, Book 2 Author: Deni Starr ISBN: 978-1-60975-199-9 Format: Trade Paperback Pages: 328 Release Date: November 2017 Cindy is assigned as the investigator to what would appear to be an open and shut case of wife-beater killing his wife, but she and the public defender lawyer assigned to it, Janet Bowers, find odd facts that point to their client being framed for a crime he didn’t commit. Since their client is a retired professional boxer, they ask Sean to look into his past to see if there is anything in it which would point to someone with a motive for framing their client for murder.
Looking into the past, Sean discovers several boxers had the odd ill fate that their client has had, and they all had one thing in common, they beat a boxer named Cade Fulmer many years ago, whose current presentations as a motivational speaker indicate a psychotic level of grandiosity. Sean is able to trap Fulmer into making admissions and freeing their client from the false charges. Working together, Cindy and Sean become romantically attracted to each other. |