For over 50 years, Hevener Figurines have been collected internationally. Along the way, these little Ambassadors of Love and Hope have been given as tokens of friendship bringing together people in every country of the world. From their natural beginnings in America’s farm country to the beauty of Brazil where they are made today, each Hevener Figurine is Hand-Made and (just like in real Life) no two “Heveners” are exactly the same. Please visit us at to discover more of The Hevener Collection where “Little Things” mean a lot.
Like many of us as kids, I started my art collection with Miniature figurines sold as souvenirs at tourist attractions. For me, it was a souvenir and candy stand in the local park and it was my candy money that I used to buy a little glass figurine of a dog with her puppies, packaged in a cotton-filled box shipped all the way across the ocean from an island nation called Japan .... Remember, I was just a kid & I believed somebody far away in a place called Japan had made this little dog just for me.
As the years went by, and as I studied in the North Museum of Natural History on the campus of Franklin And Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, I mastered the skills that officially began the collectible Hevener Figurines. Before I knew it (I'm kidding. It took a lot of knocking on doors of gift shops and hand-making figurines for tourists visiting the Pennsylvania Dutch Country) the Hevener Figurines were born. I was a figurine maker with my own studio!
That, of course, was a long time ago, and, today -- along with my books and other things I love to make -- they call me a pretty good figurine designer. I want to thank all of the people who have collected my work through the years. And, I am writing this note to you from beautiful Brazil, which I visited during my travels and fell in love with so much that we are opening a new studio here.
As an artist, something as small as a Figurine has shown me how great the world is, and I hope you treasure this figurine as much as I do.
And, as a writer, well, you can find me listed on Amazon Books and you can see I am never (ever -- ever) at a loss for words! (And, yes, as you might guess, my novels are mostly about adventurous people who love their animals and I've lived just about everything I write about). Tchau (For Now) ... Ron Hevener, Sao Paulo, Brazil.