Saturday Evening POST
June 6 1964; 237th Year, No 22, 6/6/64
Own a piece of history, fascinating to read! The POST is famous for its great illustrators (on the cover and inside!) -- each issue also features articles, stories by famous authors, photographs, and great vintage advertisements! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! * MORE Saturday Evening Posts HERE! IN THIS ISSUE:- [Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] * This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 THE COVER: JULIE NEWMAR: Celebrities' vaforite cookout recipes. Photograph of actress JULIE NEWMAR, preparing Hawaiian teriyaki and Newmar flambe on her New York terrace, was taken by Henry Ries. Miss Newmar is wearing a "sweater patio gown," which she made for only four dollars. ARTICLES: The heat's on, Photographs by Vytas Valaitis & Henry Ries. Celebrities favorite cookout recipes [all included, with photos!: Lady Bird's barbecue sauce; Steve Allen's Tamale Pie; Tippi Hedren's Lobster Marin; William O Douglas's wood smoke Steak; Gina Lollobrigida's Shasslik; Pierre Salinger's Plucky Chicken, Pat Brown's Turkeybake!] Bottled in (James) Bond: SEAN CONNERY . . . Pete Hamill. "After Kicking about for 11 years in show business, he now roosts at the top of the heap. [NICE Article, photos!] A visit with CARL SANDBURG at sunset . . . Helga Sandburg. [Article, photos.] No, I don't want to go to Europe (Speaking Out) . . . Shirley Jackson. People in a trap (Affairs of State) . . . Stewart Alsop. How to be a loser with four aces . . . Myron Cope. (Phil Axe) Lively market in lame ducks . . . Bill Surface. Big Brother is listening . . . Ben H. Bagdikian. Dam the Nile, full speed astern . . . Anne Chamberlin. The Birmingham church bomber . . . George McMillan. -- The man who bombed a Birmingham church last September 15, killing four young Negro girls, set off "the biggest manhunt since the Dillinger case." The Post now tells the exclusive. behind-the-scenes story of how the police and FBI tracked down the bomber and his accomplices -- and why none of them have been arrested. FICTION: Armageddon (Conclusion) . . . Leon Uris. Illustrated by Ray Prohaska. DEPARTMENTS: Letters ;Post scripts; Hazel ; Editorials. THE AUTHORS. A Southerner who has lived in South Carolina for 20 years, George McMillan has become an authority on policing integration disturbances; he is author of Racial Violence and Law Enforcement, which is required reading for thousands of policemen throughout the country. Former Pittsburgh newspaperman Myron Cope, who writes about the problems of Ohio's Axe quads, is a bachelor. . . . Contributing writer Pete Hamiii was laid up for four days with a sprained ankle, which he suffered while sprinting from sound stage to sound stage in Britain's freezing spring rains as he was trying to keep up with fastmoving Sean Connery. . . . Novelist Helga Sandburg, who describes her famous literary father, is the author of Blueberry, Owl's Roost, Measure My Love and several other bookS. . . . A versatile writer who, in this issue, exposes the questionable methods of trading baseball players, Bill Surface helped former baseball star Rogers Hornsby write his autobiography and later wrote Freedom Bridge, a book about the Maryknoll Sisters in Hong Kong . . . . CONTRIBUTING WRITER BEN H. BAGDIKIAN got the idea for the government-snooping story while intervewing a nongovernment figure in Washington for another Post article; during the interview the phone rang and, as the man picked up the receiver, he slipped a jack into place and recorded the entire conversation. . . . Between them, photographer Vytas Valaitis and associate editor Sally A. Reukauf gained five pounds while sampling the celebrity-cookout meals pictured on pages 2027. contributing writer Anne Chamberlin flew to Egypt on the trail of Nikita Khrushchev, who threw a stone into the river, whereas she throws stones at the antiquities buffs who have suddenly discovered the Nubian temples of Ramses II now that they are about to be swallowed by the dammed Nile. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Oversized magazine, Approx 10" X 13". COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
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