FAQ for Love- & Sex Spells:
We have had several very frequently asked questions regarding love spells over the years of running our store. Our clients often wonder what love magick can and can't do. Here we seek to provide an overview of these most frequently asked questions.
Q: Will this spell automatically draw a lover/FWB to me?
A: No. You must still give the magick a "vehicle" so to speak, as mentioned under the "General FAQ for Spells". In other words, if you have us perform a love spell for you, and you do nothing to go out of the house and meet said lover or sexual partner, you will not find success from our spells. You must join a dating site, go to places to meet people, and otherwise put yourself out there. No amount of magick is going to land you a spouse or FWB if you do not take the necessary steps and do not provide the magick with the opportunity to connect you with the right person at the right time.
Q: I am in love with someone. Will your spells draw them to me if I have you perform a spell on them to fall in love with me?
A: This is a question we get a lot. However, we are of the strong opinion that these exact parameters would be an infrigement of that person's free will. We do not perform free-will infringing love spells. We deem this to be unethical for various reasons; in some ways more so than outright cursing an individual. This is not an innocent thing to ask; what you are essentially looking for is to instigate an obsession in someone's mind where they are forced to think of you day in, day out, against their will. You'd essentially be creating a mental disorder in this person, and we do not think this is ok to do in the name of "love". This is not what we would call love; this is what we would call selfishness and greed without consideration for the well-being of the other person you are trying to have by your side. While we are of course also human and understand the desire for love and to have this reciprocated, we do not consider this approach to love- or sex magick ethical. If this is what you are looking for, you would be best served in looking elsewhere for this particular service.
Q: So how do your love spells work then?
A: Our love spells come in two different forms; passive and active. Our active spells will be applied to the person in question, but will respect their free will. If you and they have feelings for each other, or there is at least a spark of interest, this spell will make it so that these feelings are amplified, enabled, and brought to the fore. Our passive spells will instead envelop you in an aura of allure that will attract to you suitable and willing lovers while still respecting their free will.
Q: How will I know whether the passive or active version is best suited to me and my situation?
A: Please contact us! We custom-tailor many of our spells to the client and their wishes.