Albina has 14X CAST this NECKLACE with a POTENT spell she says is derived from "Olde Celtic Magick" and one she felt "needed to be shared". The spell is called "A NEW Heart" and it is a spell that is meant to as Albina says greatly heal, fiercely protect and "open" one's heart to allow one to truly love, fully accept love and feel the true bliss and happiness of peaceful and loving relations! Albina explains that this form of Magick will also grant the bearer "answers, guidance and enhanced reception to higher energies, positive energies within and around one and "chording" (gaining a spiritual connection with others). This spell has three elements:
*Heart Sight- The initial element of this spell will draw in the energies to allow one to "see" what one most needs to "quiet the soul", allows on to envision answers to one's questions and concerns, calls upon "higher realms" and opens oracles to grant the bearer crucial, and often life changing information. Also often grants the bearer Celestial contact to assist one in "healing past hurts and heartaches" by bestowing helpful guidance and healing energies! As a result, the bearer will gain emotional healing, strengthening and cleansing of "harbored pain" that has caused one to be guarded and fearful in the past.
*Shield My Heart- This second element of this powerful spell draws in the energies that will "remove unwanted negative energy "implants" (in continuation of the cleansing process) while thwarting and abolishing "psychic attacks. Albina says that the energies drawn in by this element of the spell, form a protective "grid" of energies around one. This grid will not only eliminate negative or harmful threats to one's "heart", one will also one will also find that one current and future relations gain a "stability and grant fluid communication" free of negative discord or strife. One will be given the "gift of of being empowered with a more courageous heart that will not fear the vunerability of giving and receiving love!
*) Open My Heart- The final element of this spell draws in the energies to "enhance receptiveness" thus allowing the bearer to "align and chord (gain spiritual connections) with others." By "opening" one's heart, one will gain stronger relations, that endure challenges due to the deeply rooted spiritual bonds that result! Whether one is in a relationship or is soon to be, this element will "strengthen and enhance the "chord" between one and another. This element will also "attract and grant the Blessings of truly allowing one to be set free of the walls and guards we often build as a result of past pain and disappointments in order to clear the path for real love. Albina adds that it is not uncommon for this empowered reception to enhance other areas of one's life such as confidence, self esteem, career advancement, inner strengths, finances, etc. This is due to as Albina says, "An open heart allows entry of love which is always followed by a procession of brighter gifts".
Once again, Albina says that the bearer should wear or carry this potent Magickal for 2-3 weeks in order to align one's energies with the magickal's imbued energies. She also advises that one be aware that this piece often "warms up" a little as the energies begin to align. This is due to the type of potent energies being drawn in specifically to assist in healing and protecting the bearer. Albina says that she hopes that "this spell assists as many as I have seen assisted in my own circle". I send my Blessings to the wonderful Albina for all of her time and amazing skills!!