We have consecrated this FREE CHARM with a powerful "Animal Totem" spell. This spell assists the bearer of this pendant in bringing forth one's "power" animal Totem. This "Power" Totem acts as a guide to the bearer and is an animal that one may not even realize that one has a very deep spiritual connection with. This particular animal guide will allow one to "tap into and become accutely aware of their greatest power as well as the strengths that will lead one to one's greatest potential".
Usually one shares many of this animal's tendencies or a similar nature to this animal. this spell's Magick allows one to be "visited' by one's Totem either in dreams where the animal will approach the bearer, sometimes repetitively, in an attempt to communicate a message letting the bearer know that they are their Totem. She also says that it is is also likely that one will begin to notice their Totem by seeing repeated pictures, artwork or media displaying their Totem. Still, WE witnessed others being "visited" by their Totem animals in their actual life in yet another attempt to display their importance to the bearer.
One can expect to come in contact with one's Totem in one of the ways explained earlier. Once this connection is made, one will be given guidance and assistance in many important life decisions as well as a better understanding of oneself via the relationship between one and this vitally important spiritual being!
~*MANY BLESSINGS to my Wiccan friend for all of her time and efforts!*~