In a wonderful introduction to bears, readers can find out which
bears are the largest, when bears might attack, when the first bears appeared
on Earth, and much more. Original. Presents information on the physical
characteristics, behavior, and environment of bears in a question and answer
format. The answers to hundreds of questionsabout everything from bears to
snakes, tarantulas to volcanoes are here in these books for second and third
graders. The questions are intriguing, and the answers are easy to understand
and often quite funny. Full-page art shows the animals and environments in
vibrant detail. Kids will love quizzing their friends and adults.
Author: Melvin Berger, Gilda
Subject: Science and Natur
Series: Scholastic Question and
Answer Series
Publication Year: 2002
ISBN: 0439266718
ISBN-13: 9780439266710
Length: 48 pages
Introduction to Weather & Climate Change
Publisher's Note:
This dramatically illustrated book explains what causes all the wild,
wonderful and sometimes weird weather we experience on Earth every day. It
also investigates the controversial issue of global warming, and the idea
that the way we live may be changing the weather. How could this be possible?
Is it really happening? And most importantly, what might the consequences be?
Stunning photographs and lively illustrations bring the world of weather and
climate alive on a breathtaking scale, from tiny ice crystals to vast polar
landscapes. It's also a voyage through time, as you find out how scientists
use clues from Earth's ancient past to predict climate change in the future.
Book jacket.
Author: Laura Howell
Subject: Science & Nature
Publication Year: 2003
ISBN-10: 0439686822
ISBN-13: 9780439686822
Length: 88 pages