The popular Nickelodeon cartoon HEY ARNOLD! gets its big screen animation debut with this feature, directed by Tuck Tucker. The plot finds the kid with the "football-shaped head" (Arnold, voiced by Spence Klein) working overtime to save his New York City neighborhood. Paul Sorvino supplies the voice of the sinister corporate bad guy Scheck, who intends to bulldoze Arnold's block in order to make room for a shopping "mall-plex." With the adults too passive to lift a finger in their own defense (or else profiting from the deal), it is up to Arnold to devise a plan. Luckily he has friends to help him out, like Gerald (Jamil Walker Smith) and Helga (Francesca Smith)--the abusive little girl who harbors a secret crush on him. Arnold develops a crush of his own, on Bridget (Jennifer Jason Leigh), the slinky local super hero who helps him out with a little industrial espionage. Other recognizable voices include Christopher Lloyd and Dan Castallenata (Homer on THE SIMPSONS) as Arnold's Grandpa Phil. The simple, colorful animation and amiable story should make it a hit with young children already enthralled by the television show. Series creator Craig Bartlett cowrote the script with Steve Viksten. |