You are buying 1 Forsythia Lynwood gold "Golden Bells" 6-12" in a 4" pot. Once the Forsythia begin to show flowers, you know that spring has sprung! Forsythias are typically one of the first plants to bloom. Light lemon yellow flowers all along the stems make an incredible show. Easy to grow forsythia are a great larger scale scrubs used in mass, screening, or out standing backdrops to a perennial or shrub boarders. Forsythia hold their leaves late into the season turning from bright green to a yellow-purplish hue. These simple and easy to grow plants are hardy from zones 5-8 and make large rounded shrubs about 8' round and 8' high. These are a very fast growing.
       We are a licensed nursery cert.#2235 in TENNESSEE. Planting instructions included with every purchase.
          We DO NOT ship to ARIZONA.
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