Enter the fabulous and fantastical world of Dr. Seuss, whose lovable cast of characters is endowed with the ability to entertain while they enlighten with simple life lessons. Three episodes of the award-winning children's show, based on the timeless books of Dr. Seuss, are included in this collection. In "Yurtle the Turtle," Yurtle's Aunt Myrtle has left him in charge of the kingdom in her absence, a task which Yurtle might not be quite up to! Then, in "Who are You, Sue Snue," Sue must decide what she wants to be for the rest of her life on the day that marks her her 11-and-a-half-year-old birthday. She tries to follow in her uncles' footsteps, but none of their professions seem right for Sue. Jane Kangaroo keeps a spotless house, but just when her home is to be featured on TV, little Junior has made a huge mess! Luckily, that Cat in the Hat arrives with his super-powerful cleaning tool, "The Muckster"--just don't turn the dial all the way up!
UPC 043396128095
Format DVD
Film Country USA
Genre Childrens
Number of Discs 1
Rating Not Rated