How to Win at the Game of Love With Women
Now any man can meet and date all the beautiful women he's dreamed of going out with before, with the amazing best-seller, "A Man's Guide to Women!"
Tired of getting nowhere with women...suspecting that you're doing something wrong...wondering why they're falling for the other guys? You're not alone. Most men are confused about what women are really looking for. But men can control their destiny with women more so in today's social scene than ever before.
What Women Really Want from Men
Many books have been written using interviews and surveys asking women what they look for in a man for dating, romance, and love. But these surveys don't unlock the secrets of woman's subconscious desires. And it's these desires - desires that most women won't even admit to - that control their motivation and behavior when it comes to men and intimacy.
But now the secrets of female behavior and intimacy have been unlocked for you. This is the most straightforward and honest text about understanding women that you'll find. And what you'll learn will shock you. What really turns women on is completely different from what they are telling men to do. Some men succeed by accident, but now in just one evening you can be meeting and dating those special women and keeping them infatuated with you date after date.
Every Man Can Get Surefire Results
It doesn't matter how unsuccessful you've been with women before in the romance, dating, and intimacy department. You don't have to be handsome or wealthy. What you'll learn in a few hours will enable you to get all the beautiful single women you can handle.
A Step-By-Step Guide to Dating Women
This is not a superficial book with "come-on" gimmicks, 101 "perfect lines," or vague advice too general to be of any use. It's a practical guide that covers every aspect of dealing with single women from the first meeting to the successful relationship.
It offers a completely new approach that will change your love and dating life forever. Most men are making mistakes that they are not even aware of. Mistakes that spell disaster but when corrected, spell success with women.
You'll find page after page of specific tips and realistic advice that will have you meeting, charming and succeeding with single women every time you try.
You Will Learn This About Scoring With Women:
- What women really want from a man! (Nine out of ten men are absolutely floored by these secrets).
- How to understand what women are really trying to tell you instead of just listening to what they're saying.
- Why the old way is the wrong way to ask a girl out.
- How to satisfy a woman and drive her wild with irresistible new techniques for better passion and intimacy.
- How to keep her interested after the first date and make her crave to be with you again and again.
- How to avoid rejection from women and not put up with any crap from women anymore.
- The things you have to do to make yourself attractive to women.
- Fourteen surefire ways to maintain a relationship and keep it strong and lasting.
- How to read the signs of impending problems in a relationship and how to deal with these problems.
And much, much more!
You'll learn how women decide who to be intimate with. And it's not what you think. The things that women really find attractive and sexy in a man will be a real eye-opener. Thousands of men just like you have changed their love and dating lives using what you will learn from this book.
Listen to what othes say about a Man's Guide to Women:
"I decided to take a chance with your book "A Man's Guide to Women" and I must say it is one of the greatest investments in my life. Almost overnight, my life began to change for the better. Before I purchased this book, I was attractive and had money (which is a plus) yet I was miserable and bitter. I was in a paradox, because I was unhappy that I couldn't attract women, but I didn't know that I had to be happy to attract women. Your book gave me a good slap on the face and woke me up by simply stating how women want to be in a relationship to be happy (the same reason I wanted one) but for that to happen, I'd have to be positive to attract them. So, I put on a happy face and the NEXT bloody day, a girl who I recently became interested in began telling one of my female friends how much she liked me... and the rest is history. Thank you so much, I recommend this book to every guy on the face of the earth-- no wait! That would give me too much skilled competition!" - Arric Belzer, North Florida
"I just finished reading your "A MAN"S GUIDE TO WOMEN" and I just want to say...Thank you for selling this book to me! Not only I had intimacy with a girl from 3 days after I got your book, but also I am a better man because of the principal you teach." - Tony Kawasaki, Gardena, CA
"I thought being confused by women and floundering in the sea of love was normal. "A Man's Guide To Women" showed me how wrong I was. I'm now dating all the women I want. I wish I had read this book years ago." - V.S., Portland, OR
"Several months ago I purchased a copy of "A Man's Guide to Women." It has been a real eye opener - time after time I could see the ways in which I've bungled relationships over the past 6 years since I got divorced. So, I wanted to thank you for providing this insight into the inner workings of the female psyche. At least I won't make these mistakes in the future." - David F., Atlanta, GA
If you are a man who has no points in the game of love or fewer than you deserve, then here, finally, is a book for you. It tells you exactly what you really need to know in step-by-step detail on how to be more successful with women.
Many books state that women want sensitivity, caring, and romance from their men above all else. So why are thousands of sensitive, romantic men spending solitary evenings at home with nobody to love and care for?
Because there is a catch. Women want sensitivity and romance, but they want it only from those men they are attracted to. And to be found attractive by women, you need more than a sensitive, caring nature.
All other books tell you what a woman wants from the man she loves. This book tells you how to be the man she loves.
Here's Some More Things You Will Learn in This Book:
- How and where to meet hot & sexy beautiful women.
- Mistakes men make with women and how to avoid making them.
- How to be so romantic that women will fall for you and want to become intimate with you.
- How to choose the right woman for you.
- How to recognize when a woman is hot for you.
- How to present an image to all women and this image is exactly what women are really looking for in a man.
- How to recognize a woman that is not interested in you and wasting your time and money.
- How to successfully end a relationship.
 -How to attract single women with power and leadership.
- How to use good grooming and dress to get women.
- And much, much more!
So order "A Man's Guide to Women" today and find out how easy it is to be successful with women.  You've got nothing to lose but those lonely sexless nights home alone. And you've got a whole new love life to gain.