This is the Classic Workbench Collection Amibian/Amiberry Operating System/s Multiboot 10 in 1 Workbench Installations for the Raspberry PI 4B/PI400 Arm Board/s
Item is in a SD-Card image in a Download Link with
instructions to Install it in your memory card
(memory card not included-listing includes only a Link with the SD-Card image)
Included Workbenche`s
ClassicWB ADV
Classic WB ADVSP
ClassicWB Full
ClassicWB Lite
CLassicWB Lite 16 colors
ClassicWB AmigaOS 3.9
ClassicWB AmigaOS 3.1.4
ClassicWB AmigaOS 3.2
- Automatically Boot to The Workbench of your Choice from an easy to use menu thought berryboot loader
- Authentic Amiga 1200 experience feels like the real thing there are no modifications to look like a modern OS
- Fully Updated 2021/2022
- Pre-Installed with Ten(10) Different Workbench`s
- Including the Newest Amiga OS 3.2 Released in 2021/2022
- Pre-installed with everything needed to work correct
- Lightweight Latest Amibian OS Version available specialized for Raspberry PI 4/PI400 ARM board/s
- Fast Boot Write plug n Play
- It is made to give you the best Amiga experience you can get without having an actual Amiga.
- Instructions to get you started
- Fits in a 8GB Memory card (not included)
- Professionally Made
- Games are not Included.
Thanks for Looking
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