Plot: The most famous reindeer of all - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - is back in this exciting new animated holiday musical sequel! When the mysterious Toy Taker grabs all of Santa's Toys, it looks like the children will miss out on Christmas. But everyone's favorite reindeer, Rudolph, comes to the rescue with his lovable friends: Hermey the elf, Yukon Cornelius the grizzly prospector, the abominable snow monster Bumbles and Rudolph's very special friend, Clarice. Together, they promise Santa they'll track down Toy Taker and rescue Santa's toys. Their incredible quest takes them on a wild adventure with Rudolph's red nose leading the way! This new family holiday favorite features the voices of Jamie Lee Curtis, Richard Dreyfuss and Rick Moranis. The soundtrack includes even new holiday songs and features the classic original song performed by Tony Bennett. 122519-122519P-VHS2
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