Mrs Santa Scenes was created as our First Video featuring MRS SANTA, and has since then, been featured on ABC TV. This Mrs Santa is a GREAT actor, has a truly realistic and wonderful personality as Mrs Santa, and does so as PLAYING MRS SANTA is her full time job in real life. She most definitely DOES NOT resemble a WALMART GREETER!! some Mrs Santas do.
Mrs Santa comes in a variety of Scenes with Santa, and alone. As well, there are some additional Santa Scene created in this DVD. If you are trying to a complete look, of the Same Actors in various scenes in a large display, please not that Santa and Mrs Santa here, are the same Santa and MRS who appear in the 2016 releases of the new Virtual Santa, and Santa's Workshop.
These two are supreme actors, and combined with Jon Hyers Major Production Studio, you will enjoy the resulting products.
THIS IS THE DIGITAL DOWNLOAD VERSION - The files for The Digital Download vary depending upon when they were produced. Most are HD, and come in Quicktime Movie format, or MPEG4. We are slowly converting all to MPEG4 which is the most modern format. Understand that YOU MAY HAVE TO convert these to go with the MACHINE you plan to play these back from. These two formats are very common, and have had few problems. Because this conversion from MOV to MPEG for is being done in our spare time [ in between Shipping and producing new products ], we are NOT at present able to provide more info that this. We suggest very very strongly that you have a Media Converter software. There are 1000's of these. If not using the USA NTSC system, you might need one, and you might not. Less than 1% of customers have any problems. A few very old products, might come with 4-6 file types, and you ONLY need one to play, if other formats don't - it does not matter. BUT the future is going to be MPEG4 for everything when we get all converted. Anything else you need, can either be CUSTOM ORDERED, or you do it yourself. The idea behind these files, is getting them to you much faster than mail, which can take 1-2 months to get to you OUT of the USA.
1. YOUR FULL NAME AND BONANZA USER NAME [for example Hans Anderson might be Hansy124],
2. WHAT DID YOU BUY [that information "might not be in my email notice"]
3. WHEN did you buy it?
4. The email address you wish to receive the Files Link to.
When I see your email, I will send you a link to download the file. BONANZA CANNOT send it, because BONANZA only provided enough storage space for 100MB, and are files are larger than that....THAT is why you have to email me. And I will send you the link to download manually.
The email address you use, to email me, is WHERE the link will go. Understand that just like MAIL and Packages gets lost, the Internet DOES NOT ALWAYS WORK. So at times, I might need to try a different email address for you. Reason??? Numerous differences in Internet Providers, Routers, Ages of Computers, there are 100 reasons why a file might not make it to you. This is RARE, but it does happen.
If you DO NOT CHECK the email you sent me, you are not going to get the files. If you have a very active Junk Folder, the link might go in there. So check that, before assuming I didn't send it. I want people to be happy.
HOW FAST DO I SEND IT??? I try for 12 - 48 hours, NOT INCLUDING SAT and SUNDAY. This is between Sept and Dec. The rest of the year, there is almost no work. I take vacations, and if you order in that time period, contact me to see if I am around.
If you don't receive my emailed link, DO NOT ASSUME I AM RIPPING YOU OFF. As many people do. Don't assume that I'm stealing from you, and plan to NOT send the files, this is not the case. Understand Very Clearly, just like the Electric Power goes out sometimes, Cars Don't Start Up, Appliances Break, etc....There can be as many as 15,000 miles of Distance, Internet cable, Routers, Switches, Hubs, Relays and Computers between ME and YOU. I'm happy to try to help you out if....
a. You don't get my reply with the Link for Download
b. The link does not work or expires because you didn't do it within 2 weeks.
c. The Files end up not playing [though the solution is usually a Newer Computer, or Media Converter Software]
d. Your Computer Crashes - and you don't get all the files [if more than one].
PLEASE DON'T CONTACT BONANZA, PAYPAL, YOUR CREDIT CARD COMPANY, AND CLAIM YOU GOT RIPPED OFF, WITHOUT FIRST CONTACTING ME, AND WAITING FOR MY REPLY - During busy times it might be a few days until I catch up with emails. Many customer's first choice is to REPORT THEY HAVE BEEN RIPPED OFF. I do not do that. If you cannot behave in a manner, that understands and respect that technology that gets you communication or the Digital Files can have trouble. Please don't buy them, stick with DVDS. I don't need to be spending time, digging myself out of a Grievance or Claim, when I have NOT done anything wrong.
Thanks for your understanding. My direct email is