Theatre Arts
Most issues publish a complete play (With photographs from the current production), as well as reviews, photos and features about the theater, theatre arts, current productions on Broadway, off Broadway, Opera, plus fabulous vintage ADS, and MORE -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below!

Issue Date: APRIL, 1928; VOLUME XII, NUMBER 4
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COVER: "The Audience on the Road", A Dramatic Travel calendar.

The New Shakespeare Memorial Theatre at Stratford. A sketch. Frontispiece.
The Great World Theatre: Maya Dispossessed by the Police-The Traveler Takes His Choice -An Open Eye to Pantomime-Folk Festivals.
Setting by Johan de Meester, Jr., for Where the Star Stood Still. A photograph.
Scene from Kreidekreis as produced by Tairov. A photograph.
Intermission, Broadway in Review . . . JOHN MASON BROWN.
Scene from Strange Interlude. A sketch . . . JO MIELZINER.
Setting for Troubadour in Berlin. A photograph . . . EMIL PIRCHAN.
Rasputin at the Piscatorbuhne. A photograph.
Two Costumes for The Bridal Veil . . . JAMES REYNOLDS.
What the Theatre Means to a Frenchman . . . PHILIP CARR.
The Reinhardt in His Den . . . GILBERT GABRIEL.
Vladimir Sokolov and Five Character Make-ups. Six photographs.
War Dance at the Delphic Festival.A photograph.
The Greek Theatre at Syracuse. A photograph.
The Theatre in Newer Italy . . . MARIA THERESA SCALERo.
Peasant Plays in the Tyrol . . . SHELDON CHENEY.
The Stage at Oberammergau.A photograph.
Scene from the Passion Play at Thiersee. A photograph.
Andreas Hofer and Simon Huber, who plays him.
Near the CaCafe de la Paix. The Museum of the Paris Opera . . . DOROTHY HIRSHFIELD.
Marie Roze in the Opera Museum. A portrait.
Two Figurines from the French Opera. Photographs.
The Dance in Europe . . . MARIA THERESA.
Open-air Theatre at Vanadistunden. A photograph.
The Maddermarket Theatre . . . ANDREW STEPHENSON.
Three Settings for the Maddermarket Stage. Sketches.
The Audience on the Road. A Calendar for the Summer's Theatre Abroad.
Design for Perez' On the Confessional Chain . . . S. B. RYBACK.
The Kroll-Oper in Berlin. A photograph.
Theatre Arts Bookshelf.
The Stage of Tomorrow . . . FREDERICK MORTON.
Other New Books.

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Magazine is COMPLETE and in GOOD condition. (See photo)