American Artist
Artist magazine of largest circulation. Artist profiles/interviews include multiple photos and reproductions over multiple pages, PLUS: Illustrations, technical features, columns, vintage ads and MORE --Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! Issue Date: SEPTEMBER 1968; VOLUME 32, NUMBER 7, ISSUE 317 IN THIS ISSUE:- This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. COVER: Mrs. Metcalf Bowler by John Singleton Copley. A WINTER ART COLONY, by Ernest Vanderburgh. TO KNOW OR NOT TO KNOW, by Edgar A. Whitney. EMILE TROISE, PAINTER, by Joan Hess Michel. DRAWING WITH REED AND QUILL, by Paul Hogarth. SCULPTURE OF ALLAN HOUSER, by Chrystal Corcos. VIET NAM DRAWINGS, by Charles Waterhouse. TSENG YING PANG WATERCOLORS, by Eve Medofj. BULLETIN BOARD; EDITORIAL; FOOTNOTES; LETTERS TO THE EDITOR; MUSEUM CALENDAR; ART MART; RALPH MAYER'S TECHNICAL PAGE; BOOK REVIEWS. This description copyright Edward D Peyton. Any un-authorized use of this description is strictly prohibited. Magazine is COMPLETE and in VERY GOOD +++ condition. (See photo)