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The news-magazine of the century, with all the news, features, and vintage ADS -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *

ISSUE DATE: January 31, 1972; Vol 99, No 5, 1/31/72

[Detailed contents description written EXCLUSIVELY for this listing by MORE MAGAZINES! Use 'Control F' to search this page.] *

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COVER: Comedian FLIP WILSON. TV'S First Black Superstar. Acrylic Painting wih light bulbsw by Dugald Stermer.

Reversing the Gap (The Nation / AMERICAN NOTES).
Fly Me--If You're Clean (The Nation).
What Price Virtue? (The Nation).
The Politics of a Nonpolitical Speech (The Nation / THE PRESIDENCY). President Richard Nixon delivers State of the Union Speech.
G.O.P. Reach to Youth (The Nation / POLITICS).
The HOWARD HUGHES Mystery Deepens (The Nation / ECCENTRICS).
Tradition Aweigh (The Nation / WOMEN).
Two on the Seesaw (The Nation / FOREIGN RELATIONS).
Essay: Toward a better Presidential campaign. Nixon's surge of election year spending.

Waiting for Another Tet (The World / THE WAR).
Road to Brussels (The World / COMMON MARKET).
Fog over Suez (The World / EGYPT).
Rampage of Protest (The World / RHODESIA).
A Week-Old Baby (The World / GHANA).
(SPECIAL REPORT): Reaching for Supremacy at Sea (The World / SOVIET UNION).
Soviet Guided-Missile Cruiser-Kresta II class (The World).
The Sailor's Life (The World).
Dante's Ordeal (The World / ITALY).
No More Parades (The World / NORTHERN IRELAND).

SCIENCE: Cheerful Sabotage (Environment). Man's Best Friend? (Environment). Costs of an Oil Spill (Environment).
HEALTH & MEDICINE: The First Patient (Medicine). Speed and Strokes (Medicine).
SOCIETY: Tie Power (Modern Living). Inhabiting Habitat (Modern Living). Who Gets the Children? (Behavior). Vasectomy: Pro and Con (Behavior).
PRESS: King of the Epithet (The Press).
SPORT: Super Slaughter.

Nixon's Surge of Election-Year Spending (The Economy / THE BUDGET).
And $31 Billion Down (The Economy / BALANCE OF PAYMENTS).
Progress in Prices (The Economy / PHASE II).
Takeoff to Recovery (AIRLINES).
Anybody Want a 747?.
New Reserves of Green (OIL).
The Biggest Rescue (BANKING).
Ambushing Wells Fargo.
From Concubine to Bride (FRANCE).
Buchwald's Law (INEFFICIENCY).

Paul Simon Says (Music). Paul Simon Says (profile with photo).
Music: King of the High C -- Luciano Pavarotti (Profile with photo).
Cinema: The Cowboys, Eagle in A Cage, House of Wax.
Historical Stuffing (Cinema).
Time Machine (Cinema).
Growing Up Absurd (Cinema).
The Realist as Corn God (Art). Realist Painting, profiles with color photos - William Bailey, Philip Pearlstein, Alfred Leslie.
COVER STORY: FLIP WILSON: When You're Hot, You're Hot (Television / COVER STORY). TELEVISION: Cover Story -- When you're hot, you're hot! FLIP WILSON [NICE, In-depth article, with multiple photos!] "What you see is what you get!"
Archie Bunker Looks at Flip (Television).
The Black Prince (Books).
Man Eat Man (Books).
Willie and Joe (Books).
Peter and the Wasp (Best Sellers).
Star-Crossed Haters (The Theater).
(Best Sellers / FICTION).
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

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