More contemporary 8x10 in. US single-weight glossy color copy photograph (not a vintage original photo printed at the time it was taken) from the classic 1950's sci-fi thriller, INVADERS FROM MARS, released in 1953 by 20th Century-Fox and directed by William Cameron Menzies, in which a young boy (Jimmy Hunt) learns that space aliens are taking over the
minds of earthlings.
The image features a full-color image of the film's original US one-sheet poster was that created to advertise the film upon its original release. This single-weight glossy copy photograph is in very fine condition with a light diagonal crease on the top left corner and no pinholes, tears, stains, or other flaws.
Invaders From Mars was actually one of the first science-fiction scripts
written in the 1950's. The revised version of the script was completed in
September 1950 and the film wasn't produced until 1952 and released in early 1953. According to script supervisor Mary Yerke, director
and production designer William Cameron Menzies filled 12 notebooks
with charcoal sketches depicting every scene he planned to shoot. Just days
before principal photography, all of these storyboard sketches disappeared from
the production office. This film was shot on the new single-strip EastmanColor
negative. Cinecolor Labs then produced the trailers and release prints in the three-color
SuperCinecolor process. When Cinecolor went bankrupt, the original elements and
printing matrices were seized and sold for salvage.