Are you having an issue with your cameras resolution looking foggy?
Have you been told to try cleaning the lens and still get the same results? Foggy!
Have you also been told that your camera is not repairable?
The answer is simple - you need a replacement lens!
Most dealers do not carry this lens
It is a direct replacement of the original 
It is very easy to replace
By using a pair of needle nose pliers and a towel or soft cloth
1. Place a soft cloth on the lens
2. Use needle nose pliers and gently twist off the lens, the lens is screwed on
3. Once the lens is off, you can screw back on the new lens by hand - do not overtighten
4. Make sure the new lens is screwed all the way on
5. Make a test video to make sure the camera is in focus
6. You can adjust the focus by screwing the lens inward or outward
Your camera is now like new again and you save $$$ by not having to buy a new camera!
If you need any other types of repairs you can contact me via!