Plot: Final Fantasy X finally enters a fully polygonic world. Follow the main character Tidus from a gripping blitzball tourney into a new primitive world where he must fight to survive. A stunning level of real-time detail appears in each area, including huge water-filled areas that make up a large part of the environment. An exciting combat system is turn-based, thus allowing you the time to plot your actions without the need to worry about a constant barrage of enemy attacks. You're also able to swap party members in and out of combat during battles, and doing so is a free action. Lush visual elements enhance gameplay in this phenomenal action game. Learn to summon aeons-old spirits of power to add to your fighting abilities as you battle the evils of Sin, Spectacular graphics and incredible voiceover work will immerse you in a new world where evil forces threaten the existence of all you know! 070819-070819P-VG2
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