You are considering a direct binding of Queen Hecate.
This is the darkest embodiment of Hecate you will find. She cuts to the chase, immediately avenging you of EVERY wrong committed against you.
She teaches the offenders valuable lessons, so in the long run she is actually helping them to NEVER do what they did to you to anyone else.
If you have been dumped for another.
Cheated on.
Lied to.
Ripped off.
Stolen from.
Retribution is sweet, sweet revenge.
I was gifted with the ability to sense, see and manipulate energy. I can reach within a certain object or person and touch and move energy about. When this is combined with a specific intent spell cast, the results are nothing short of miraculous! I have been perfecting this skill for most of my life. The demand for my spells is great and I only offer a few at a time as they are very physically draining for me. You will not see endless offerings of my spells, so I urge you to purchase quickly and reserve your place.
Magick cannot be forced or rushed. It mixes naturally with your personal energies to produce results.
