The color range includes pink, crimson, red, and orange-red. Occasionally, it displays asterism. (A star like luminosity and transmitted light)
This mineral stimulates the heart chakra and assists one in the selection and attainment of one's own ultimate values. It further stimulates the loving emotional side toward nurturing, and bringing spiritual wisdom, health, knowledge, and wealth.
Ruby is known as a " stone of nobility, " gathering and amplifying energy while promoting and stimulating mental concentration. It can improve one's success in controversies and disputes,
encouraging gentleness and discouraging violence. It is an excellent shielding stone, protecting all levels and safeguarding one's consciousness from psychic attack.
The energy of the Ruby is intense and vivid, bringing lucidity to the dream state and conveying understanding and control of the role and action of the mental state upon the physical realm.
The Ruby encourages one to follow bliss. It is said that Ruby will light the darkness of one's life, giving birth to a spark of light which progresses throughout the body and the Spirit, conquering darkness on all levels. The energy can assist one in changing one's world, promoting creativity and expansiveness in awareness and manifestation.
Some of the Ruby crystals are recognized as record keepers, containing knowledge from realms of ancient civilizations and awaiting the opportunity to share the knowledge with the holder. Astral travel with these crystals has been quite successful.
Size: 42 x 28 x 10 mm + -
1 11/16 x 1 1/8 x 7/16 inches + -
Chakra: 1st Root, 3rd Solar Plexus, 4th Heart, 6th Third-Eye
Ray: 4th Harmony through Conflict, 3rd Active Intelligence, 7th Ceremonial Order, 6th Idealism/Devotion
Planet: Venus, Mars, Moon, Jupiter
Element: Earth
Vibrates to the number: 3