Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Stimulates the mental body to evolve and expand as well as refine its focus as it experiences life upon the physical planes.
It assists one in developing confidence and positive approaches in relations with others.
Albite allows one to move through new and expansive experiences while nurturing the fear aspect we carry to allow the experience without disrupting it. Fear is a compliment to our personalities that lets us know that perhaps we are not ready for certain experiences. It has been over charged and misunderstood. Albite gently removes the panic charges that electrify our processes.
Albite works with the user to move its vibrations to open the third eye which allows entrance into the higher psychic realms. It allows one to see with clarity the different possibilities and potentialities according to the abilities of the user.
Size: 47 x 38 x 10 mm + -
1 7/8 x 1 3/8 x 1/4 inches + -
Chakras: 6th Third-Eye 7th Crown
Ray: 5th Concrete Science
Planet: Uranus
Element: Wind
Vibrates to the number: 22