This is a dark arts offering! Cannot be used for healing, peace or similar benefical purpose.
We wish to offer a truly unique and demonic offering from our elite collection! Enter the Demon King of Green Flames. Only one will be ever offered here up for sale.
This ring contains his spiritual essence and limitless powers. He commands legions of fel demons, hellhounds, succubi, incubi, imps, death demons, wraiths, sanguine vampires, dark djinns, reapers, fallen angels and other dark entities.
He rules over a special plane called Kilgar, that is filled with evil, darkness, green flames, fear, death, malice, torture and suffering.
After working with him over the years and mastering his teachings and working with the green flames, he asked us to offer him up to another worthy keeper. He wants to make you his Disciple, teach you his unique demonic green flames magic, empower your mind, body and soul and help you to fulfill your mortal and otherworldly desires.
He holds dominion over green flame magic, mind control, wealth, treasure, physical power, protection, revenge, demonic powers, long life, seduction, domination, sex, love, astral projection, demonic communication, clairvoyance, clairaudience, omnipotence, omniscience, energy absorption, reality warping, dark powers, flame manipulation, heat, darkness manipulation, telekinesis, mind reading, regeneration, overall good health, protection against illnesses and diseases, enchanced senses, aura reading, danger intuition, life-force manipulation, telepathy, precognition, astral possession, energy emission, spiritual awakening, success, advancement and more...
No bonding ritual is necessary. Just by wearing the ring, you will be able to connect and achieve two-way communication with him.
He will never harm you in any way. Treat him with respect for he is an Ancient King and he will teach you and guide you along your path towards success. The more you work with him, the stronger the bond will become. Over time he will know your deepest feelings, desires, thoughts and fears and he will work to fulfill your unspoken commands.
He will create a special spiritual shield around your mind, body and soul using his unique green flame magic. It will destroy all kinds of incoming negativity, illness, disease, bad luck, slander, black magic attack, curse, hex, etc., so that they won't be able to harm you in any way.
His name, full powers, etc. will be revealed to the new Keeper.
We will send you with this ring two spellcast candles, spellcast incense, channeling stone, sigil scroll, a bag of special spiritual herbs and a wooden charging box.