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Kiwifruit, also called “kiwis” or Chinese gooseberries (Actinidia chinensis) are a popular subtropical fruit. Kiwifruit ripen in winter – a good time for us to make use of their plentiful Vitamin C, to ward off winter colds. Packed with more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of orange, the bright green flesh of the kiwifruit speckled with tiny black seeds adds a dramatic tropical flair to any fruit salad.
Kiwifruit can be grown in most temperate climates with adequate summer heat.
Male and female flowers grow on different plants, so you need to plant two kiwifruit vines near each other.
Kiwifruit grow rapidly, especially if you add some all-purpose fertiliser to the soil before planting. The vines need support – a strong fence or pergola about two metres high works well. One fruiting vine is enough for a home garden.
Kiwifruit need well-drained, fertile soil and good shelter from wind and full sun. The deciduous vines can withstand cold winter conditions.
Kiwis will grow in most any well drained soil, but they do best if organic matter is added to the area before planting. It prefers a pH between 5.5 and 7.0.
Growing the seeds
soak the seeds for 7 days - yes 7 days - in water. Change the water daily
They should start to split in this time
Take out and place on damp paper towels. Put under a clear plastic dish with some holes in it for airflow. Keep towels moist but not soaking.
The seeds should start to sprout in a week or less.
Once sprouted plant each seed in its own small pot 1/ 4 of inch below the surface, keep soil moistened. Plenty of sun but do not let earth dry out.
Once the seedling have 6 true leaves you may plant in a bigger pot.