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Packet of Thai Kale, Phak Ka Na Vegetable , sometimes called Chinese Brocolli seeds.

Often served in the famous dish, Thai pork belly stir fried with garlic and thai kale (Pad Kana Moo Grob).

A dark green leaf vegtable with strong,thin long round trunks with flat, glossy soft deep green delicate leaves,It does not look or taste like common greens, it has a slight sweet & bitter taste, The taste reminds of Broccoli, the stacks are wonderfully crunchy. Delicious stir fried boiled or steamed.

Very nutritious containing lots of iron

Plant kale as soon as the ground can be worked, very frost tolerant. Sow ¼-½” deep, 1” apart in rows 18-30” apart. Thin seedlings to 8-12” apart. Kale germinates easily in cool or warm soil temperatures with even moisture. Choose an area with full sun and a soil pH of 6.0-7.0. Enrich the soil with compost or well rotted manure. Flavour of kale is improved if the plants grow quickly.

Kale benefits from additional feedings of liquid fertilizer during the growing season.