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Baby corn or candle corn

Corn generally matures very quickly, so the harvest of baby corn must be timed carefully to avoid ending up with more mature corn ears.

Baby corn typically is eaten whole—cob included—in contrast to mature corn, whose cob is considered too tough for human consumption. Baby corn is eaten both raw and cooked, however cooking does not change its culinary and physical properties significantly; the texture remains relatively the same, as does the taste, whether raw or cooked.

Harvest: Approximately 40 -55 days.


You need:

* Gardening flats, 2 feet deep

* Gardening soil

* Compost

* Corn seeds

* Blood meal

1 Fill the garden flats with a half-gardening soil, half-compost mixture and combine thoroughly.

2 Sow the corn seeds 3 to 4 inches apart and 1 inch deep. Sow one row per gardening flat to ensure adequate root space.

3 Apply blood meal to the soil when the plants are knee-high to give them an extra growing boost.

4 Hill the soil around the corn's base when the plants are 6 inches high to offer the plants optimal support.

5 Harvest the ears before pollination on the day that the silk first appears on the husks.