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A refreshing fruit with a sweet taste somewhere between a pear & a strawberry.

The Guava is commonly known as Ferang in Thailand. Farang also means foreigner in Thai.

A common joke heard is "Farang kin ferang" - Foreigner eats Guava

The most frequently eaten species, and the one often simply referred to as "the guava", is the Apple Guava (Psidium guajava)

The tree has smooth brownish bark, light green oval leaves, and white flowers.

The guava shrub requires low maintenance, and is relatively easy to cultivate.

The seeds germinate easily if sown in potting soil and kept warm. The germination takes longer than you might think, 4-6 weeks. After the seedlings get large enough to handle, transplant them to larger pots.

The guava seems indiscriminate to soil type, doing equally well on heavy clay, marl, light sand, gravel bars near streams, or on limestone; and tolerating a pH range from 4.5 to 9.4.

Guavas do grow best in hot areas which do not get frost.

However, They can, grow in most places where the winters are not too cold.

If they are planted where there is a little frost, the young trees must be covered.

They prefer well-drained soil