"Love At Stake" is a movie very much in the vein of the Brooks/Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker school of comedy: a sight-gag filled affair set in 1692 New England. Patrick Cassidy plays Miles, a divinity student who returns home to find his childhood sweetheart (Kelly Preston) and his hometown of Salem in seemingly fine Colonial condition...that is, until incompetent mayor Dave Thomas and scheming judge Stuart Pankin opt to steal land -- and create the first-ever "Puritan Village Mall for over-sexed teenagers" -- by accusing innocent townspeople of witchcraft. Little do they know, however, that a real witch has arrived in town in the form of curvaceous Barbara Carrera, who sits idly by (for a while at least) and watches the shenanigans ensue.
This Laser Disc is LIKE NEW! I am clearing out my huge collection of Laser Discs,
many of them Unopened!
At the time, they were all Very Expensive, so I am trying Not to think about the money
that I spent back then!! It's time to let them go, and let someone Enjoy them!
(For those who incredulously ask me...No, these are Not DVDs! Laser Discs are from the 1990s,
and are 12" in diameter and require a Laser Disc Player to view!)
Payment is appreciated within 3 days, to prevent delay in shipment and delivery of your item(s).
I do combine items to save on shipping costs...but due to the discrepancy between calculator
and the Post Office, if you are concerned with the estimated cost, please contact me before paying,
as I want to be as Fair as Possible in the cost of shipping My item....until it is Your item!
If you have any problems with your item, once received, don't hesitate to contact me...I am sure
that we can resolve any issues! Not that you would ever Want to return any of my 'treasures,' but
if I make a mistake, and the item is Not as described, I will refund the purchase amount...return
shipping is up to you. Also...while I do ship internationally,
buyer Must be aware of the High Costs in shipping and realize that those costs are Out of My Control!
Thank you...and Happy Shopping in The BatCave of Oz!