Guitar Music7 by Tom Ball Cd
1 Estudio Sin Luz [Excerpt]
2 Variation on a Forlorn Hope Fancy
3 Sweet Papa Low Down
4 Fantasia, No. 30
5 Joseph Spence Medley: Unknown Title/There'll Be a Happy Meeting
6 Cane Break Blues
7 Heigh Ho Holiday
8 Variation on a Barrios Prelude
9 Morley's Pavan
10 Mirabella
11 Volt, No. 6
12 Old Time Medley: Grandfather's Clock/Audl Lang Syne/Old Kentucky Home
13 Sarabande
14 Needed Time
15 Lejania (Distance)
All used  disks are professionally refurbished and test played before shipping and will play  well in most machines.