Instructions for the Operation of Suburban Multiple-Unit Trains From the collection of William E. McKenzie, Jr. Scanned by Mike Morrow and Published by Larry Miller III. ISBN: 978-0-9844006-7-6 Highly detailed and lavishly illustrated instructions for operation of the Illinois Central Railroad Company’s Suburban Multiple-Unit Trains. This was the instruction guide for the railroad employees. This well preserved copy from the collection of William E. McKenzie, Jr. and scanned by Mike Morrow will take you step-by-step and show you the inner workings of these great electric passenger trains of the Chicago Terminal Division. Remembered as the "Green Cars", these units were built by the Pullman Car Company in the mid to late 1920’s for use on the Illinois Central's suburban Chicago electrified passenger line. Specifically built for passenger transportation and designed to be interconnected and run as multiple-unit trains, they were commonly used as a two unit train of motor and trailer units, but could be seen in regular use comprised of up to six unit configurations. They were used on the Illinois Central's suburban lines until 1972, when replaced by new Highliner cars. This book was printed by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company of Chicago and provided by the Illinois Central to the employees who would be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the equipment. The publication was designed to display the inner workings of the electrical and compressed air systems to give employees a more complete understanding of what and where the controls and the components of the systems were and how they were connected and worked. This book does not provide the specific dimensions or drawings of the individual units, but gives an overall view that could be used for the operation of any of the units. It is filled with detailed instructions on the operation, maintenance and troubleshooting that would be required of the Trainmen, Motormen and Inspectors. It provides diagrams of important components, photographs of specific equipment with covers removed and identifies elements and controls within. This is an incomparable volume of reference material with photographs, charts and complete diagrams of the equipment needed to operate daily service. A few of these cars still exist in operating condition, a testament to how well built and maintained they have been over many years of providing daily transportation. You are NOT bidding on the actual book, but high resolution scans of the book on Compact Disk (CD) in portable document format (pdf). All files were scanned at 600 DPI from the actual pages with only minor adjustments having been made to the scans. Viewing enlargements of these scans in the pdf reading programs will bring out details not easily discernable on the original documents without a magnifying glass. Files are in Portable Document Format (pdf) and will require a pdf compatible program to access. (Free "read only" programs are available from the internet at,,, and others. These programs are available for both IBM and Macintosh operating systems. The files contained on this CD will not display via a DVD player to your television (as they are not jpg format) and will require a personal or laptop computer with a CD or DVD drive.)