30 Tabs
Femevall is a natural product with 5 active principles, which by their synergistic action provide the optimal effect in overcoming the problems of the woman's transition period and as an excellent support in regulating the disturbed hormonal balance. Red detelin contributes to the relief of symptoms of hormonal variations, shows a positive effect on lowering cholesterol, prevention of osteoporosis, reduction in the likelihood of blood clots and arterial plaques. Hops exhibit a positive effect in the form of reduced heat waves and increased sweating, restlessness and nervousness. Vitamin E as a powerful antioxidant is also useful in the fight against aging, to relieve wrinkles and photostation, and also helps to maintain natural moisture and is recommended for dry skin care. Vitamin D3 is important for the mineralization of bones and teeth and good calcium utilization of food intake and prevention of osteopenia and osteoporosis. It also shows antioxidant as well as mild antidepressant effect. Beer yeast is a rich source of vitamin B, as well as selenium and chromium. Vitamin B groups are important for the good metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, but also the proper functioning of the nervous system and the healthy appearance of the skin, hair and nails. Selenium is important for the production of thyroid hormone and as an integral part of the antioxidant system in the body.
Thanks to this complex composition, Femevall tablets are a warm recommendation for women to overcome all the problems that accompany women's intercourse.

dry red clover extract
     dry blossom honey extract
     beer yeast
     vitamin E
     Vitamin D