Released June 25, 1959: A giant mutant gila monster causes havoc among the teenagers of a small Texas town.
Genre: Horror
Duration: 1h 14min
Director: Ray Kellogg
Actors: Don Sullivan (Chase Winstead), Fred Graham (Sheriff Jeff), Lisa Simone (Lisa), Shug Fisher (Old Man Harris), Bob Thompson (Bob Thompson), Janice Stone (Missy Winstead), Ken Knox (radio disk jockey Horatio Alger 'Steamroller' Smith - Ken Knox was a famous radio disk jockey in Dallas, Texas), Gay McLendon (Mom Winstead), Don Flournoy (Gordy), Cecil Hunt (Mr. Compton), Stormy Meadows (Agatha Humpries), Howard Ware (Ed Humpries), Pat Reeves (Rick), Jan McLendon (Jennie), Jerry Courtwright (Bob), Beverly Thurman (Gay), Clarke Browne (Chuck), Grady Vaughn (Pat Wheeler), Desmond Dhooge (the hitchhiker), Ann Sonka (Whila), Yolanda Salas (Liz Humphries), Patricia Simmons (Sherry), Angus G. Wynne III (the dumb teen)
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