Released on April 1, 1935: A man everyone thought was dead returns to terrorize the outlaws that stole his ranch many years ago.
Genre: Action
Duration: 58min
Director: Jack Jevne
Actors: Rex Lease (Dave), Bobby Nelson (Bobby Bullard), Ann Carrol (Linda Bullard), Franklyn Farnum (Jim Bullard), Lloyd Ingraham (Rufe), Blackie Whiteford (Bull), Eddie Parker (Wirt), Blackjack Ward (Chalky), John Alexander (Sheriff Lane), Edward Coxen (Dad Burns), Lafe McKee (Zeke), Bill Patton (Max), William Desmond (guard), Art Mix (guard), Ernie Adams (practical joker), Victor Adamson (guard), Jack Kirk (singer), Roger Williams (barfly)
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