Released on March 3, 1937: Swing band leader Pinky Tomlin is a meek old-fashioned music professor from a small Illinois university goes to New York City and gets involved with Racketeers and Swing Music.

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 1h 2min

Director: Marshall Neilan

Actors: Pinky Tomlin (Professor Artemis J. Roberts), Paula Stone (Teddy Ross), Milburn Stone (Lou Morgan), Mary Kornman (Joan Dennis), Bill Elliott (Randall), Pat Gleason (Toby Brickhead), The Gentle Maniacs (themselves), Four Squires (themselves), Ralph Peters (Beaver), George Cleveland (Dean Wiley), Harry Depp (University Trustee), Harry Semels (Angelo), Four Singing Tramps (themselves), Tom Clark (member of Four Singing Tramps), Paul 'Mousie' Garner (member of The Gentle Maniacs), Richard Hakins (member of The Gentle Maniacs), Fred Harder (member of Four Singing Tramps), Art Moore (member of Four Singing Tramps), Bob Snyder (member of Four Singing Tramps), Sam Wolfe (member of The Gentle Maniacs), George Grandee (dance director)

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