Released on December 1, 1934: (running time 1 hour) Robert Hunter gets fired from his bank teller job for allowing a robbery to take place, so he joins the Mounties and tries to catch the bank robbers.
Genre: Action
Duration: 1h 1min
Director: Sam Newfield
Actors: Charles Starrett (Bob Hunter), Adrienne Dore (Betty Winton), Kenne Duncan (Blake Hardy), Wheeler Oakman (Inspector A.R. McCrae), Eric Clavering (Madigan), Philip Brandon (Constable Jamie Jamieson), Austin Moran (Sergeant Woods), Grace Webster (Mrs Jamieson), Gilmore Young (Hyde), Elliott Lorraine (Mr. Winton), Wilbur Freeman (Hammond), Farnham Baxter (one eyed Ezra Hardy, bank owner), Muriel Deane (lady in hardware store).
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